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me that something didn t look right.
He looks at me and nods.  Fine, I guess Daisy s not a bitch after all.
 No, she s not. She s my friend. Other than Timber and Reese, she s my best friend.
He pulls me to him.  You mean other than me.
A slow smile creeps onto my lips.  If I remember correctly, you used to be a pretty good
He kisses me gently and murmurs,  I ll be the best friend you ever had, and I ll be it for the rest
of your life.
CHAPTERTwenty - One
Daisy and I are driving home from the city. We ve spent the day doing girly shit. It s not
something I do often, but when I do it, I go all out. We went to Rocco s and got our hair done, got full
body waxes, and we even stopped off at M%1łil� Nails to get manis and pedis. It cost us out the ass, but
we look damn good.
Kidd didn t want me going into the city. He s on edge, because Timmons has been in town. I
am too, but I can t let that dick control my life. He took enough from me when I was sixteen. I refuse
to give him anymore. Kidd kept bitchin until finally, I told him I needed a break, which is true. I m
not used to being an old lady. I am definitely not used to having someone by my side night and day.
It s only been a few days since he claimed me, but we ve spent most of that time together. I ve
spent a few hours at The Kitty Kat or over at the apartments working with the girls, but other than that,
he s been by my side. After I explained that I was starting to feel smothered, he agreed to let me go
with Daisy, but made me take one of the brothers with me.
Needless to say, Rum has not been a happy guy today. I guess he s not as into nails and hair as
we are, but he s been happier since Daisy showed him her new bikini wax. Granted, Daisy doesn t
spread her legs for the boys, but she doesn t mind showing them her mind blowing body. She may be
a tiny thing, but she s by far my best dancer. Guys come from miles around to see her dance. When
 Little Flower takes the stage, the crowd goes fuckin wild.
I ve never really had a woman friend before, but I love Daisy. We ve really grown close since
she started dancing at The Kitty Kat. I ve known her for years, but I never thought of her as a friend
before. Now, I rarely go through the day without talking to her.
When I see her looking into the visor mirror, I shoot her a wink and smile.  I love the pink tips.
Wish they d show up in my hair.
She smiles back and touches the tips of her hair.  My Mom s gonna flip the hell out.
 You re a grown ass woman. You need to get the hell out from under her thumb. You should
move into the apartments with the other girls.
She closes the visor and looks at me.  I can t,
 What do you mean?
She leans back into her seat and closes her eyes.  Mom s been going to the gambling boat
again. Dad doesn t know, but they re about to lose the house. They need the money I make to keep
them afloat.
 What the fuck? You re supporting them?
She shrugs.  I m helping them out.
Yep, Daisy s mom is a bitch; even more of a bitch than I thought.  What s that got to do with
you living in the apartments? You know the girls live there for free.
 I know, but if I lived there, I couldn t make sure stuff was actually getting paid at home. Sure, I
could pay the bills and stuff, but how would I know if there was food in the house or other shit they
I shake my head.  You could buy groceries and take them there.
She lets out a frustrated breath.  If I m not there, I won t know if Dad s getting his pills. I have
to keep them locked up and give them to him myself. If not, they ll disappear.
Maker had a bike wreck a few years back. He shattered his left hip and has been in pain ever
since.  Is he taking too many, or is your mom selling the shit?
She turns her head towards me and shakes her head.  She sells them before she even gets them
home. Dad had to call the pharmacy and tell them not to let her pick em up anymore.
My hands tighten around the steering wheel.  He needs to throw her the fuck out.
Daisy doesn t respond, and we fall into silence as we finish our drive home. Ten minutes later,
we pull into the compound. As soon as I do, I see Krista s car sitting out front. After last night, I
didn t think she would have the nerve to show her face around here. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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