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its source. " challenges of my way. I insist upon maintaining my
individuality. "
Session 789, Page 153 "On the one hand they
represent other events of the pre-dream state, events Session 791, Page 162 "Simply enough put, there
beyond your comprehension in their natural are as many types of consciousness as there are
condition. Such events are not lost, however, but particles, and these are combined in infinite
translated into dreams as your own consciousness fashions. "
returns closer to its home base. "
Session 791, Page 164 "Dreams, then, are deeply
Session 789, Page 153 "We have also acted upon involved with the learning processes. "
psychological entities of vast proportions, in your
terms, that form psychological structures from Session 791, Page 166 "Death operates in the same
which your own reality emerges. " fashion. The animals in particular realize this
because they organize time differently from you. "
Session 790, Page 158 "Those psychological
structures are also great energy activators, and as Session 790, Page 166 "As a rule you remember the
such are important initiators of events. They are dream s outer veneer or what it turns into as you
seldom if ever physically materialized. Yet they are approach your usual level of consciousness. "
Session 790, Page 167 "Your dreams are also Session 794, Page 182 "The dream events are
uniquely yours, yet they happen within a shared partially brain-recorded, but the brain separates
context, an environment in which the dreams of the such experience from waking events. "
world occur. "
Session 794, Page 183 "Cellular consciousness at its
Session 792, Page 169 "...in the dream state, so that own level then forms a body dream. These do not
man s learning is not simply dependent upon a involve pictures or words, but are rather like the
feedback system that does not allow for the formations of electromagnetic intent, anticipating
insertion of creative material. Dreaming then action to be taken, and these may serve as Initiators
provides the species with learning experience not of therapeutic dreams, In which higher levels of
otherwise available, in which behavior and events consciousness are psychologically made aware of
can be judged against more developed and higher certain conditions. "
understanding than that present in conventional
daily reality at any level. " Session 794, Page 184 "Those who imagine they
look upon nature with the most objective of eyes are
Session 792, Page 170 "Love is a biological as well those whose subjective beliefs blind them most of
as a spiritual characteristic. Basically, love and all, for they cannot see through their own
creativity are synonymous. Love exists without an misinterpretations. "
object. It is the impetus by which all being becomes
manifest. Desire, love, intent, belief and purpose - Session 795, Page 189 "Without dreaming there
these form the experience of your body and all the would be no learning, nor would there be memory.
events it perceives. " Events are processed in dreams, put in the necessary
perspective, sorted and arranged. "
Session 792, Page 171 "The brain is primarily an
event-forming psycho-mechanism through which Session 795, Page 190 "The species tries out its
consciousness operates. " probable reactions to probable events in the dream
state, and hence is better prepared for action in the
Session 793, Page 174 "When children dream they future. "
utilize these inner senses as adults and then through
dreaming they learn to translate such material into Session 795, Page 191 "Small amounts of ordinary
the precise Framework of the exterior senses. " stimulators, such as coffee or tea, taken before bed
when you are already sleepy, have a beneficial
Session 793, Page 176 "In a manner of speaking the effect in stimulating dream activity and aiding
activity of your brain adjusts the speed with which dream recall. Too large a serving, of course, could
you, as a physical creature, perceive life s events. " simply waken you, but small amounts taken you are
already drowsy allow you to take your conscious
Session 794, Page 181 "The brain organizes activity mind into the dream state more readily, where it can
and translates events, but it does not initiate them. act as an observer. "
Events have an electromagnetic reality that is then
projected onto the brain for physical activation. Session 795, Page 192 "On some occasions long-
Your instruments only pick up certain levels of the term illnesses, for instance, are resolved suddenly
brain s activity. They do not perceive the mind s through a dream. However, in most cases dreams
activity at all, except as it is imprinted onto the prevent such chronic illnesses, providing through
brain. " small therapeutics a constant series of minor but
important personal revelations. "
Session 794, Page 181 "Because of the brain s
necessary specifications, large portions of your own Session 796, Page 194 "Nor is such an inner
greater reality cannot appear through its auspices. decision forced upon the conscious personality, for
The brain might consider such extracurricular in all such instances, the conscious personality has
activity as background noise or clutter that it could at various times come close to accepting the idea of
not decipher. It is the mind, then, as the brain s death at the particular time in life. "
nonphysical counterpart, that decides what data will
activate the brain in that regard. "
Session 796, Page 195 "If the universe were a Session 798, Page 206 "You know that physically
painting, for example, the painter would not have you will die, yet each person at one time or another
first painted darkness, then an explosion, then a cell, is secretly sure that or she will not meet such a fate,
then the .joining together of groups of cells into a and that life is somehow eternal. "
simple organism, then that organism s
multiplication into others like it, or traced a pattern Session 798, Page 207 "It is, then, highly practical.
from an amoeba or a paramecium on upward -but In your s, she same force that formed the world
he or she would have instead begun with a panel of forms your subjective reality now, and is a source
light, an underpainting, in which all of the world s of the natural universe. Exploring those realities
organisms were included, though not in detail. Then lovingly will bring you into direct contact with
in a creativity that came from the painting itself the inner dimensions of your being, providing intuitive
colors would grow rich, the species attain their understandings that are of greatest import.
delineations, the blinds blow and the seas move
with the tides. " Session 798, Page 208 "Your body then might say
you are safe, and your senses show you at no danger
Session 797, Page 201 "There is of course outside is present -yet you have begun to rely so upon
into which the invisible universe materialized, since secondary experience that you do not trust your
all indeed exist in a mental, psychic, or spiritual creature reactions.
realm quite Impossible to describe. "
Session 799, Page 213 "None of the prophesied
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